Da-Lite 39021

Video Projector Interface Trigger Module (Adapter)
Item #0400-0792 Model #39021
Da-Lite 39021
Video Projector Interface Trigger Module (Adapter)
The Video Projector Interface Trigger Module allows the screen to be raised or lowered automatically when the projector is turned on and off. The Video Projector Interface Trigger Module is an adapter for low voltage controls used on Da-Lite motorized screens.
Key Features
- Triggers a 5 milliamp (minimum) signal for interfacing with a variety of projectors.
- The projector must have 12 volt or 5 volt lead to operate the interface.
- Requires a low voltage control, either built into the screen or external.
Product Compatibility
- Electric Screens (tensioned and non-tensioned) and Lifts with standard built-in low voltage control (LVC):
- Tensioned Advantage Series
- Advantage Series
- Tensioned Contour Electrol
- Contour Electrol
- Electric Screens with optional built-in LVC:
- Tensioned Cosmopolitan Series
- Cosmopolitan Series
- Designer Contour Electrol
- Single Motor Low Voltage Control System (external control for screens without built-in LVC)