Sales/Customer Service: No cold calling.
Work at home part or full time answering customer inquiries
by phone and email to extend our hours of operation. Product
knowledge is a requirement. Must have or be able to get
broadband Internet service and live in AK, DE, PA, MT, NH,
OR or outside the U.S. We pay
expenses plus a combination of commission and hourly wages.
Sales Administrator: Process orders
and perform other sales related administrative
functions. Salary range $45K-75K. See full job
description here.
Programmer: Web programming in Java and PHP
in a Linux/MySQL environment. Office automation and
audio/video control applications.
Technician: Varied duties
that include building A/V systems and prototypes from a
schematic, electronic repairs, managing the service dept
inventory and other tasks. Neat and accurate work plus good
organizing skills are a must.
Contact us for more
information. Please indicate the position or department you are
applying for in the subject line of the Fax or Email.
1680 Republic Road • Huntingdon Valley, PA
Phone: 267-288-0300 • Fax: 267-288-0301